Bolivia on a shoestring in a nutshell

Michael Brossmann
Mar, 10. Dic 2019

Hey guys,

sorry, since I’m a bit in a hurry, I can’t describe everything I saw and experienced during my last few days. Therefore I just give you some key word and a couple of photos which illustrate everything better than I could do it with a text, anyway!!!


  • white

  • colonial architecture

  • grito de libertad de las americas

  • ukurpiña 2

  • bolivia’s true capital

  • cold nights

  • racism is to be put into the garbage bins


  • cold days

  • bitterly cold nights

  • 8 million (!) dead slaves during 300 years of silver mining

  • amazing and horrifying visit to the mines

  • soroche 2.0

  • one of the heighest cities of the world

  • without coca you cannot survive the mines

  • even with coca you’ll do it only 15 years until death or serious lung injury

  • goodbye travel company

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Bolivia on a shoestring in a nutshell-1
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