Yesterday Death Had A Near Michi Experience

Michael Brossmann
Mar, 10. Dic 2019

ok, now it is really time for a break!

in uyuni we got up at 5 and 4 AM, afterwards I took a horrible nightbus to oruro and jumped into the bus to cocha which was already heading out of the station. being in cocha i got all my stuff, packed the backpack again and took another nightbus to la paz. coming to la paz i went to 2 (! !) birthday celebrations of 3 (! ! !) relatives of anita and roberto on the day day, so by the end of the day i was completely full and tired from not really sleeping since 4 days.

instead of sleeping i decided to go for the adrenaline push variant and mountainbike down the formerly most dangerous road of the world (getting up at 5 AM again) and then realxing in coroico in some pool. coming to coroico they tell me that there are no buses from there to rurrenabaque, so i decided to skip the pool relaxing plan and head on directly to some town further north where supposingly one bus passes through on its way to rurre. coming to canaravi the bus is still there but leaving already, so i make another run-jump-and-go manouver passing 11 additional hours in the bus.

this morning at around 4 AM we finally reached rurrenabaque and i can chill, eat, do my laundry and check out companies for visits to the madidi national park.

photos follow once i am back to la paz (probably around september 28 or 29)…

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