
Eine Frage des Geschmacks…

Auffallend farbenfroh… wirklich man muss sagen, dass die Beniner oft toll gekleidet sind. Neben den typischen afrikanischen Klamotten – den …

Cornelius Lahme › Lire plus
Bolivia on a shoestring in a nutshell - Part 2

Uyuni: - god's colour experimental playground (white salt, brown sand, pink flamencos, red lagoon, green lagoon, white lagoon) - bolivia's …

Michael Brossmann › Lire plus
Bolivia on a shoestring in a nutshell

Hey guys, sorry, since I'm a bit in a hurry, I can't describe everything I saw and experienced during my …

Michael Brossmann › Lire plus
Mountain vs. Michi 1:0

I got altitude sickness... why? Because we climbed up a high mountain why not the last time when I went …

Michael Brossmann › Lire plus
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